Happy Feet can DANCE

The trials, emotions and fun times of a family with lots of 'happy feet' Helping other parents of children with Talipes (club feet)

Introducing Max Matthew… Happy Feet. X

on April 22, 2013

The whole way through my second pregnancy I was convinced that I was having a boy.. I just had that feeling.  I have never found out the sex of my children before the  birth – something about it being the best surprise ever – love the not knowing and the excitement of it all..

Once I knew that this little one would also have talipes I was upset – for a short while.. then I looked at the positives.. this little boy or girl would have a fantastic older sister to look up to and also know that their feet were ‘normal’ in our house – only mummy is the odd one out!

Having a bigger age gap than we had ever planned ended up having it’s plus points.. Jessica was old enough to explain things to.  She helped us decide on which pram to buy, to paint the nursery and was involved in almost every aspect of the pregnancy.. she was so prepared to meet her new baby brother or sister..

on a warm summer morning the labour started.. it was text book and I wouldn’t change a thing about it.. Max Matthew was born that evening at 8.05pm and the first person we called was our princess… she cried, we cried and our family was complete..

Max was born with talipes affecting his left foot.. compared to Jessica’s feet, you could hardly tell.. He was born with a cheeky look on his face – and he has never lost it!

Our little boy was perfect, just like his big sister.. We had never been happier.


Prior to the birth, Jane (wonderful physio) had spoken to me about the talipes and how we would receive the same treatment that Jessica had been through.  We had a great discussion about how I had first felt when Jessica was born and I shared with her that the worst part was not having any time to cuddle her without any barrier (casts or boots and bars) while she was still a newborn..  Jane gave me news that made me squeal with excitement.. this baby would come home with us and have a few days without casts… anything on his legs and feet! – they would be ours to cuddle, squeeze snuggle and hold for a precious few days before the treatment needed to begin – AMAZING NEWS.

Max was born on a Friday evening – we were home by midnight wondering what the hell to do next – it had been 6 years since there had been a new baby in the house!! YIKES.. so we went to bed and just held him and watched him .. and cuddled him, placed him in his crib and watched him sleep… and feed!! blimey this 9lb 1oz baby could eat!

In the morning, Jessica came home from her great Nana’s and met her brother – priceless moment!


The next few days are much of a whirlwind.. we have a huge family so life is never quiet… brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, cousins,  friends all descended upon the house to meet the little man and most of this time is a blur to me.. I remember my hubby just being the perfect host and looking after everyone amazingly! – Happy feet children grow into fine husbands!!

My birthday was just 4 days after Max was born – we are the same star sign… and you can already tell!  As any mum knows.. the days after giving birth are a glorious hormonal roller coaster…. I was so grateful that I could hold Max without any casts, and give him his first bath at home before being 5 weeks old, yet in another way this freedom made it harder..

With Jessica I did not get this ‘newborn’ bath time and closeness without the casts.. so i found myself not wanting to put Max down.  I was almost envious each and every time someone else was holding him, because I wanted to treasure these cuddles all to myself before the cast was put on..selfish – but true..

I was in awe yet again at how professional and amazing Jane and the plaster room team were whilst they put Max’s first cast on.. Max on the other hand wasn’t so impressed.  Maybe it’s because he only need a cast on one leg, maybe it’s because he also had got used to being able to freely kick and lift both legs, but crikey – that little man woke up in his crib that first night and gave me a look that screamed ” Blimey mummy! what on earth happened to my leg? – it’s heavy”

It’s fair to say that he wasn’t as gracious as Jessica at the beginning, but he got used to it..so did we and we knew what we were doing and it felt just like old times..

Jessica was in amazement watching his treatment progress.. we took her to the plaster room to see the casts be removed and redone each week.. I think this was amazing for her to see and she now has such a great understanding of the treatment she had too..

The boots and bar stage for 23 hrs came and went.. I was ready for the comments, rudeness, etc this time.. but there were none.. well no rudeness anyway.. I will put this down to the fact that 1. he was in them during the autumn and winter 2.as he was in boys clothes (jeans, pants) they were less noticeable 3.I’m far stronger than i was when I had Jessica and people maybe sensed a strong mummy vibe – who knows.. but its wasn’t as hard this time and for that I am grateful.

Max was just as wonderful and resilient as his sister and made me just as proud!

One thing to add if you ever have to go through this treatment second time around… it seems to go far quicker and it does get easier..

I think myself so very blessed to have two very precious HAPPY FEET BABIES xxxxxx

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