Happy Feet can DANCE

The trials, emotions and fun times of a family with lots of 'happy feet' Helping other parents of children with Talipes (club feet)

The general RUDENESS!!! grr

so…my parents brought me up to have manners and generally to consider the feelings of others and the impact that my comments and actions can have on their day… it appears this was not taught to all!!!

I laugh remembering this now but at the time i was heartbroken.. I think i have ‘hardened’ over the years..

Lindsey (Best bud) and I had decided to leave our lovely cul-de-sac and venture to the glorious world of a soft furnishing shop (i can here the men groan at this point!)… anyway… this was at the point when Jessica was still having to wear her boots and bar for 23 hours a day so evidently she can’t have been more than 16 weeks old.. and i remember her being tiny at the time..

Lindsey was looking after me and taking charge so placed Jessica (in car seat) into the trolley so we could easily maneuver around the store…. to our amazement a member of staff lifted Jessica’s bar ,, with no care for what it was actually doing, and blurted! “eurgh!!! what’s that for?”  I was so stunned at her forward approach that I automatically started explaining the treatment Jessica was having… blah blah blah.. very much a scripted version that I had got used to saying.. while Lindsey stood there, quite frankly astonished at the lack of manners or compassion by the woman in question.. – the great thing for me is….. i have great friends who never made me feel like my baby was ‘special’ or different.. each and every one of them have treated me as a mother just the same as them and my children the same as their children.. but the special ones out there know who they are and they know the tears that there have been and the tough times that we have had.. my children will walk and dance one day..and they will also have manners! and respect for difference in people  xxxx

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why this is important…

I ‘ranted’ to myself via laptop the other week… I had text a couple of friends to say i felt strange about Max’s physio appointment.. so today at work I decided to re-read that rant.. and it made me realise that there must be other parents out there that feel the same, but maybe they dont want to say it out loud either.. so I’m still not saying out loud.. but here is how I felt that day.. and also why this is so important to me.. .

this was the rant.. i didn’t even finish it.. but it made me realise that we all need people who ‘get it’  so i hope you that have Happy Feet babies, do  xx

So today my 18 month old son has an appointment with his physio… this is to treat his Talipes which affects his left foot…

What’s that?  is the question most people ask.. Club foot is the more commonly used term!

So he’s smiley, happy and generally as much of a character as I could have ever dreamed him being.. but today I feel tense… I don’t always when we have a visit to the hospital but today I do..I think I know why… it’s because secretly I’m scared… there! I said it (well typed it!) 😉

I have two beautiful kids.. Jessica and Max.  Jessica is 7 and Max is just 18 months… both of my babies were born with Talipes.  Jessica has it bilaterally and Max just has it affecting his left foot..

It’s FINE! – that’s what you tell people.. you are the driving force for ensuring that your children and all who meet them are not of the mind set that your kids are anything but ‘normal’ whatever that is?  You do your best to make sure that they don’t feel different to their friends at nursery and school.. not to mention ballet classes and swimming lessons.. You are their mummy and that’s your job – to make sure your kids are happy

The hardest part is sharing my worries..because it’s really hard to explain what they are.. 

So back to today.. You’d think I’d be used to it.. it’s hardly difficult.  I take Max to see his wonderful physio, we have a chat.. he comically takes his socks off as soon as he see’s her and has the cutest smile and cheeky face as he does it.. his eyes say ” I know what you’re going to do – here you go – look at my cool feet”,  the physio will have a look, bend him and stretch him to the point I am cringing, yet he is giggling so I know he’s not uncomfortable.. but I am nervous… that she’ll tell me he’s going to struggle walking.. that beyond his ‘magic boots’ that he now only has to endure through night after 23 hrs a day for 12 weeks,  there will be something else that he has to go through, and for that reason I feel guilty..

I am all to aware that I am so so lucky to have two healthy and happy children who are so kind, caring and loveable.  They are healthy! They can see the smiles and caring eyes of the numerous family members and friends who love them dearly.  They can hear our lullabies and bedtime stories, our words of comfort and cheers of support.. they are growing and developing as they should in each and every way reagardless of the talipes.. so you see.. I feel guilty that when there are so many other parents out there scared sick that their poorly child will make it through another night or helpless that their child will never see their face through their blind eyes or hear the words of love through their deaf ears.. but however guilty i feel I still worry for my children, I want like any parent, for them to have as little pain and discomfort as possible while they go through their lives..

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so it begins….finally


I am a mummy to two gorgeous children.. who happened to be born with talipes (club feet).. my eldest, Jessica (7yrs) has bilateral and Max (18 mths) has unilateral..oh forgot to mention  him indoors was also born with unilateral talipes..

hopefully my blog will help other parents and children by raising awareness and also letting them know that they are not alone! Happy feet are everywhere and in my eyes… are remarkable… so here it is.. my new blog.. I hope it helps.. I cannot promise to make you laugh, smile or indeed cry.. but what I do promise is my honesty  and a true recollection of my experience through two lots of treatment ..

I hope this helps you

Emma xxxx