Happy Feet can DANCE

The trials, emotions and fun times of a family with lots of 'happy feet' Helping other parents of children with Talipes (club feet)

Onto the Boots & Bars……….

on February 13, 2013

Having a baby is all about milestones at times isn’t it..? First bath, first smile, first night of sleeping more than a couple of hours etc.. and for Happy Feet babies this is no different.. but we have extra ones… first cast, second cast….fifth cast…BOOTS and BARS!  If you thought that the casts were clever then you will also be impressed with this part of the treatment..

The babies wear ‘magic’ boots attached to a bar and these boots are set at a specific angle so to ensure the feet don’t relapse into the original talipes position..

I couldn’t wait for this stage with Jessica as it meant that she had a break from treatment for an hour a day.. For the first 12 weeks she had to wear these ‘ magic’ boots for 23 hrs a day.. and boy were we strict about the timing.. but it meant that for one very precious hour a day, we could have those amazing full cuddles and and lets not forget… We got to bath our girl –  most parents get to do this once they take their baby home, but we had waited 5 very long weeks..

I still remember Stewart and I getting so so giddy at the thought of bathing her.. I suppose the talipes treatment just ensured even more so that we never took anything for granted.. It made us realise just how precious those ‘firsts’ are.  Many people said to me that you ‘wish’ your first baby’s early years away as you are always willing on the next step.. This was something we could never be accused of..

Yes, I willed the weeks away so I was closer to her needing the boots and bar only at night, but no – I never wished her newborn time away, I wanted to cherish every second of her being still tiny for me to have those longed for cuddles with nothing in the way!

At first to be able to see Jessica’s feet each night and also stroke her legs and bath her was such a welcome change from the casts, I was back in my ‘zone’ and got my mojo back.. but again there came a few moments where this was also a bit tough at times..

I am proud that I took Jessica to baby massage.. the other mums there looked at Jessica in her boots and bars but I smiled as much as anyone can possibly smile without their cheeks bursting, always made sure me and my girl looked the part and prided myself that yes!, my baby is ‘different’ to yours, but she’s perfect too – just like your baby…

I remember even joking with one mummy that the bar really helped me to change nappies, as I never had to worry about wandering legs and feet ! – every cloud hey….

Like all long term treatment, seeing your little one with boots and a metal bar joining her feet together for 23 hours a day had it’s upsetting times.., I remember putting on the proud, brave face for the first 6 or so weeks and then my good friend seeing me arrive home one day.. she nipped across our driveways and asked how we were and I remember just bursting into tears!  I had no idea where this had come from but I think the sight of a friendly face just opened the floodgates.. but as I said earlier… my friends are amazing and never ever made a fuss about Jessica being different.. and this really helps 🙂 and one thing I have definitely learned from this is that it’s ok to admit when things get a bit too much – don’t be too proud x

There are moments when Jessica simply amazed us in her boots and bars.. she could look so comfortable in sleeping positions that most of us would think looked so bloomin awful.. she just got on with it.. I suppose she has never known sleep in any other way..

We were tough with Jessica… I was so adamant that when she was older I wanted her to have the option to wear all of the amazing and gorgeous shoes out there (yes I flippin love shoes), that I was driven with the attitude of

‘when she grows up one day and wants to wear the high heels and sparkly strappy shoes, I want to know that she can, because we followed every last part of all of the instructions given to us about her treatment.  I never want to have to say, no Jessica, you cant wear those type of shoes and that’s because I wanted you out of your boots longer so I could cuddle you easier, or you cried when we put the boots on so we removed them for a better nights sleep!’

What I will now be able to say is – ‘yes you cried and we were heartbroken at times to have to make you wear them – but look at you now.. you dance, swim, trampoline, jump, ride your bike and yes! I am almost certain – you will also one day be wearing high heels that are sparkly! – because we loved you enough to persevere! because this is about you – and not our need for sleep and cuddles xxx’

The boots and bar stage 23 hours a day once again left us in awe of our amazing girl… she was so strong and she almost never complained..

The day when we were told Jessica now only neede to wear these boots and her bar at night will remain one of the most happiest days of my life! – at 18 weeks old, we finally had our little girl to cuddle, roll around, play with without and metal or plaster to worry about or get in our way!

Boots and bars for 23 hrs per day! COMPLETE xxxx

One response to “Onto the Boots & Bars……….

  1. Nazneen says:

    Hello, I’ve just been recommended your blog by someone on the STEPS forum as my first baby is on the way and has bilateral talipes. I have to admit I’ve shed quite a lot of tears over this post! It’s really inspirational and will help to motivate me when things get tough – thank you so much for sharing your experiences x

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